Surgery, scars, sex and politics!
Surgery, scars, sex and politics: How surgery and scars effect your body and mind. Trauma often leads to surgery and sometimes surgery is...

Are you living in "fight and flight" or "rest and digest"?
Are you in living in "fight and flight" or "rest and digest"?? Many people are in a constant state of fight and flight. How do you know?...

Feel better with Acupuncture and Dolphin Neurostim!
A patient came in with Intersticial Cystidis..It's a terrible paralyzing pain in the abdomen. The patient had been receiving pain blocks...

One of the things that was a rewarding discovery in going to Korea, (and there were many great things, the food, the people, the...

New Year is upon us...
It's a new year! What will you do to make it better for yourself? I am making more time for myself, to take care of my self. As I get...

How does acupuncture work?
ACUPUNCTURE HOW DOES IT WORK? Acupuncture has been shown to work in many ways. It stimulates, regulates and communicates with all of the...

Acupuncture is the balm!
Acupuncture releases endorphins in the brain making you feel like you've has a weeks vacation in an hour! It's better than drugs!