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I have everything I need!

One of my favorite mantras is "I have everything I need" How many of us know exactly what we need to do and yet hesitate or ignore our own inner knowing?

"I trust in my inner knowing." is another good one. These sayings and guided verbal meditations take us out of the fight and flight of anxiety and doubt. They put our nervous system into the relaxation of rest and digest. Take a deep breath in..let it out and say "I can relax and trust into my inner knowing." "I have everything I need." "I have everything I need to take the next step." Whether it is being still, moving forward, backward or side ways, I know who I am. I have everything I need. I am thankful for all that has been given to me. I am thankful for the lessons and the blessings. I support myself in my journey. I KNOW.


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