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Thank you for letting us serve you! 2018!

THANK YOU!!!!!! For letting us care for you in 2018! We listened to your strengths and weaknesses, your pain and suffering, your symptoms, family history, medical history, and your relationship challenges...All of these things make up who you are and how you are feeling. We took your pulse and looked at your tongue. We looked at your posture and face and noted all of the signs and symptoms to help us really see what is going on. We pride ourselves on being good and thorough listeners when necessary, to get the best possible diagnosis of body mind and spirit. From you we have learned a lot about medicine, treatment and the human condition. Doctors learn so much from their patients, if they listen. It is where you truly learn how to practice medicine of all kinds..SO! We Thank you, for teaching us much about the human mind, body, spirit and heart..We wish you all a very healthy New year in 2019!!!!!

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