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A Healing Journey with Lisa Baas

I was never really captivated by Carry Fisher or Debbie Reynolds all that much as actresses or public figures. I think this is because I always felt that behind their smiles was a shallow or painful and confused existence. I do take note of Debbie Reynolds passing so shortly after her daughter's death. From the point of view as a healer I'd guess there were strong unresolved emotional ties between the two of them. Sometimes people are linked by unconscious loyalties such as the energetic phrase "I will follow you"..This intention could be into business, success, sickness or death. One can witness these patterns in many families.

I will be offering a 12 week course called "A Healing Journey" in the spring. The aim is to help you release old epigenetic patterns, release unwanted ancestral and familial energies and to clear your family line so you may receive your intended spiritual inheritance. Many other energy healing skills and techniques will be taught as well. I will post this on face book as well as here on my website.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the recently departed and their families. Life is so short and unbalanced. Death is often unexpected and shocking. Many animals are experiencing mass die offs. I read about it weekly, Orca whales in Seattle, blackbirds in Southern New Jersey, star fish, cheetahs. It is foolish to think that humans are immune to these mass die offs as globally we are facing the next biggest extinction. The canary in the coal mine has dropped awhile ago..

My job as a healer is to help people cleanse, balance and rebuild their energies so they are strong internally, to be able to meet the challenges of the external world. We try to keep you posted about things that we think will keep you safer and healthier in this crazy beautiful world.

We wish you all the very best, and a safe and healthy and holistic new year!

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