May Special Raindrop TherapyMassage – Only $60

For the entire month of May, Enjoy $25 off a Raindrop Therapy Massage
What is a Raindrop Therapy Massage? Raindrop Therapy is the therapeutic application of essential oils dropped like raindrops down the length of the spine with a soothing massage-like application. Warm towels are applied to infuse nine therapeutic grade essential oils into the spine, which may continue to work for up to a week after the treatment. Using my intuition, I combine this wonderful technique with my experience with many different massage techniques for the ultimate massage experience!
Some of the benefits one may experience from a Raindrop Therapy massage include:
~ Relax and invigorate ~ Balance electrical frequencies ~ Relieve back inflammation, pain and misalignments ~ Support the immune system ~ Release dormant bacteria, viruses and fungi in spine ~ Release Stored Emotional Patterns
CALL DONNA HAAS TO SCHEDULE: 610-762-9922 2358 Sunshine Road Allentown, PA 18104 or eMail:
“The remedies of every human illness are concealed within nature”
~PARACELSUS, 16TH Century Physician