Looking for a way to heal family trauma?

Here are a few tips on how to heal family wounds:
Stay connected to your family with love. Without them you wouldn’t be here. They have given you life. That is the main gift.
Thank them. They have offered you spiritual lessons and challenges. Thank them for the lessons.
Forgive them of their short comings and unconsciousness.
Give back to them the lessons that are theirs. Do not carry their baggage.
Release them from expectations.
Release your hurt and disappointments and disempowerment
Source your love, approval and appreciation from elsewhere:.god/goddess, the universe, your inner self, Mother earth, your community, friends or your chosen family and /or self-manifestation.
The highest self of your tribe does not want you to suffer.
Live in the present. Seek all solutions. Focus on gratitude, love what is.
Let go of all that does not serve you.