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Monthly Personalized Herbal Prescription Service starting February 1, 2019!

New Year! New You? We will be offering a monthly personalized herbal prescription service...First Friday of the month ordering your specialized herbal protocol in powdered tea or in you won't run out and so you will be cleansed, nourished and balanced with prescription strength herbal protocols formulated just for you! Personalized medicine is the way of the present and the future...No more standardized shot gun medicine..Medicine should be tailored to fit your DNA, body type, blood type, energy type etc. We have the ways and means to give you personalized medicine! First Friday will be February 1, 2019. Be sure to come in before to get your evaluation, consultation, assessment and treatment and we will reserve your order on Feb.1, to be picked up in the following week. Regularity and consistency is the key to good health in diet, exercise and self care! Get on board with our preferred herbal order program and be supported in your health all year long. Call today!

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