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Mysteries of the Heart Continued...

exerpted from Cyndi Dale's book...The Subtle Body "The heart has long been known as the center of the body, as well as the home of the soul. Under the correct conditions, such as when a person consciously centers or focusses in the heart, the heart begins to run the brain. (most typically the brain runs the body.) Entrainment or management of the body through the heart, rather than the brain, leads to higher functioning mental and emotional states, as wll as a healthier body. It also enables a person to screen the outer environment for "good messages" instead of "negative messages," enabling a more positive relationship with the external world.

This "heart healing power" is possible because of the energetic nature of the body. All energy contains information and all cells are energetic. The closer the a group of cells, the more likely they are to osciilate or vibrate in a coordinated rhythm, thereby producing a more powerful and intense signal. Heart cells are tightly organized, thus generating an extremely strong, shared signal, which is both electrical and magnetic. The heart's internal signal is stronger than any produced by other parts of the body becasue it is more intense.

Thus can the heart dynamically move into the lead position in the body, its rhythms able to modulate or "take over" those of other organs.

What about it's relationship with the external world? We are constantly receiving information- sometimes called "backround noise"- from outside of ourselves. Not only can the heart override the incoming flow of communiques, but it can also sort and filter information from the world outside the body- even intutive information.

As explained by researcher Stephen Harrod Buhner in his book "The Secret Teachings of Plants", highly synchronized cells, such as those compactly organized in the heart, are able to use backround noise to increase the amplitude of an incoming signal - if they are interested in perceiving it. The heart will "hear" what it is programmed to "hear." If love resides in the heart it will attune to love. If fear, greed, or envy resides within, the heart will access negativity.

Most people believe that the brain intitiates the first response to incoming events and then orders our reactions. Analysis reveals, however, that the incomming information first impacts the heart, and thorugh the heart, the brain and then the rest of the body. Our hearts are so strong that they can actually formulate the most well known symbol of love: light. Research has shown that under certain conditions, a meditator can actually generate visable light from the heart. The meditation technique must be heart centered, not transcendent. When this occured during studies at the University of Kassel in Germany in 1997, the heart emanated a sustained light of 1000 photons per second, where as the backround had a count of only 20 photons per second. The meditations drew upon energetic understandings from several cultures including the Hindu practise of Kundalini. It has been said that the heart is the center of the body, but it might also be the core of a subtle universe - or perhaps a "subtle sun" generated by every individual"

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